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Launch of the investment platform

The official launch of the investment platform took place today. For users who do not want or are not able to trade on their own, investments in traders' accounts are now available.

This service is implemented as follows:

  1. The trader opens a real account and trades;
  2. An investor, choosing a trader's account, copies his trades.

Technically, investor and trader accounts are the same. The client can create as many investment accounts as he likes. Each account can be additionally replenished, partial withdrawal is also available without closing the account itself.

The minimum investment amount is only 10 USDT. To limit potential losses, do not invest more than what you are willing to lose.

Public account data is updated once an hour. The chart displays the “equity” indicator and takes into account all open trades of the trader. An extended version of statistics and other data on public accounts will be supplemented as the Company's platform is updated.

* Markets are available in some countries or qualified traders. The company does not provide services to US citizens.

The Company is a technology provider and payment agent acting on behalf of the User. The User understands that working with digital financial assets involves high risks and may result in the loss of all capital. The Company will have KYC and AML policies, as well as a Privacy Policy. For any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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