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Frequently Asked Questions about Tokenomics

We've made some changes to our tokenomics and want to explain the main ideas and answer common questions.

Why the Lockup and Vesting Periods are so long?

We're building a coin for the long run, aiming to be a solid investment for the community. To prevent big price drops, we've set a long lockup and vesting period. This ensures that no one can quickly sell a large number of tokens early on and cause a big drop in the chart.

How are Tokens Distributed?

We've carefully planned token distribution. We want as many community holders as possible since they are the most valuable. The team also holds a significant portion, allowing us to work with the community to react quickly to market changes and help stabilize the chart.

Where Will the Token be Listed?

MTHUB Token will be available on both Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). While we're keeping the specific exchanges a secret for now, we'll start with Tier 2-3 exchanges and work our way up to Tier 1 over time.
These changes are designed to make MTHUB a strong and lasting investment opportunity in the cryptocurrency world.

Buy $MTHUB Token



* Markets are available in some countries or qualified traders. The company does not provide services to US citizens.

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